2016 12 12 Framing, Sheeting ..
Interior framing and exterior sheeting continue ..
Below looking more or less due north through the east end of the house.
Sheeting the "bridge" between the living space and the laundry, closet, bath, storage area.
Below, the north side of the house. The bump-out is the pantry on the back (north) side of the kitchen area. The table saw is about 6 feet further away than the kitchen counter will be, but it will be nearby..
Below, living space of house looking a little north of east. Kitchen counter and cooking will be about 6 feet to left of sawhorse table.
Below, looking from southeast corner of living space at pantry area.
Below, looking along center of house in guest and guest office area. Walls will obstruct most of the left half of this view down the house.
Below, looking from master bedroom into closet, bath area and then on into living space.
Standing against west wall of studio space. To the left a small bath and storage close are being framed. This is the other part of the house where there will be a second level. The north half of this part of the house will have a "mezzanine" area, which will be open to the south, will have high windows on the north side. Those windows are the long opening you can see above the large beam that runs the length. The entire area will be open to the ceiling, like all of the house.
Below, guest bed/bath and guest/office rooms. Those two rooms will be all glass on the south side.
Below, a detail of one of the sheeted exterior walls. I think all of the exterior walls (and most or all of the interior) are sheer walls, meaning they are part of the rigid structure of the house. Meaning also that some of them have nails specified at 2" intervals. There are a lot of nails in the house.. my understanding is that all this rigidity is because there is so much glass and the winds can be very strong.
Below, standing on one of the gabion walls and looking into the bath, dressing, storage, laundry area at west end of house.
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