Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2016 12 09 Framing, Sheeting ..

2016 12 09 Framing, Sheeting ..

Interior framing and exterior sheeting continues .. 

Below is inside the garage, shop, storage space.  Standing in garage, next space is small shop, beyond that storage.

Below, looking along deck to east on south side of house.   Next is looking west along deck.

Below, interior of bath, closet, laundry area just west of master bedroom.  This view won't really be there when house is done.  This will look like a hallway, walls to left and right heading to opening just past sheet of plywood.  This is one of the two places in house where there is a ceiling and a second level.  Above this is a large open space that will be storage.  High window openings in upper right will be in this storage area.

Below, the environment .. 

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