Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2016 12 05 Framing ..

2016 12 05 Framing .. 

Framing and sheeting of the exterior continues...

Above is the guest bedroom, bath area looking southwest.  Next three shots are taken from on top of garage roof, under the overhang on the north side of the house.  I learned that those shallow framed structures being built on the roof are called "crickets".  They are there for drainage.

Below, looking east and into the guest bed/bath part of the house.  It was fun to be under those deep overhangs.  The metal roof will extend out from them even further.

Below, looking southwest into studio area from garage roof.  There will be a long line of high windows on this side of the house.  I'm looking in through those windows.

Below is a better view into the guest bed, bath area and the guest bedroom/office.

Below, just standing in the middle of the garage roof watching..

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