Monday, December 26, 2016

2016 12 23 Interior framing ..

2016 12 23 Interior framing .. 

Framing of the interior spaces is well under way.

Below, framing the guest bedroom on the west end of the house.

Below, framing in the master bath / dressing, laundry, storage area on the east end of the house.

Below, looking down the hallway in the master bath / dressing, laundry, storage area.

Looking east in same part of house.  There will be a stairway unto storage in the area being framing in the photo below.  

Below, master bath / dressing, laundry, storage again.

Below, framing in studio area.  There will be a floor above this framing on the north side of the house only.  South side of this part of house will be open to roof.

Below, guest room and bath on south side of house.

The following four photos show the wood fascia that has been added to the perimeter of the roof.  This will be clad in metal.  The actual metal roof will project out from it a foot or so.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2016 12 12 Framing, Sheeting ..

2016 12 12 Framing, Sheeting ..

Interior framing and exterior sheeting continue ..

Below looking more or less due north through the east end of the house.

Sheeting the "bridge" between the living space and the laundry, closet, bath, storage area.

Below, the north side of the house.  The bump-out is the pantry on the back (north) side of the kitchen area.  The table saw is about 6 feet further away than the kitchen counter will be, but it will be nearby..

Below, living space of house looking a little north of east.  Kitchen counter and cooking will be about 6 feet to left of sawhorse table.

Below, looking from southeast corner of living space at pantry area.

Below, looking along center of house in guest and guest office area.  Walls will obstruct most of the left half of this view down the house.

Below, looking from  master bedroom into closet, bath area and then on into living space.

Standing against west wall of studio space.  To the left a small bath and storage close are being framed.  This is the other part of the house where there will be a second level.  The north half of this part of the house will have a "mezzanine" area, which will be open to the south, will have high windows on the north side.  Those windows are the long opening you can see above the large beam that runs the length.  The entire area will be open to the ceiling, like all of the house.

Below, guest bed/bath and guest/office rooms.  Those two rooms will be all glass on the south side.

Below, a detail of one of the sheeted exterior walls.  I think all of the exterior walls (and most or all of the interior) are sheer walls, meaning they are part of the rigid structure of the house.  Meaning also that some of them have nails specified at 2" intervals.  There are a lot of nails in the house..  my understanding is that all this rigidity is because there is so much glass and the winds can be very strong.

Below, standing on one of the gabion walls and looking into the bath, dressing, storage, laundry area at west end of house.

2016 12 09 Framing, Sheeting ..

2016 12 09 Framing, Sheeting ..

Interior framing and exterior sheeting continues .. 

Below is inside the garage, shop, storage space.  Standing in garage, next space is small shop, beyond that storage.

Below, looking along deck to east on south side of house.   Next is looking west along deck.

Below, interior of bath, closet, laundry area just west of master bedroom.  This view won't really be there when house is done.  This will look like a hallway, walls to left and right heading to opening just past sheet of plywood.  This is one of the two places in house where there is a ceiling and a second level.  Above this is a large open space that will be storage.  High window openings in upper right will be in this storage area.

Below, the environment .. 

2016 12 08 Framing, Sheeting ..

2016 12 08 Framing, Sheeting .. 

Framing and sheeting continues.  At this point I don't think any framing work is being done on the exterior, it's all interior work.

Maybe an inch of snow fell overnight, and by the middle of the day it was gone.  It all came off the roof in a watery mess within about 5 minutes in the middle of the morning, south side first.

Below is one of the "bridges" that separate the 4 basic blocks of the house.  This is between the living space and the guest bed/bath and guest/office spaces to the west.  These bridges are short "hallways" that are glass on the north and south sides, and maybe 6 feet wide.

Below, looking east along the deck on the south side of house.

Below, looking west along deck on south side of house.

Below are three general views of the property.  I am looking forward to just watching the weather.  In the summer there will be thunderstorms occasionally, and in the winter there will be the bigger storms coming in from the west.  It can be extremely windy at the site.

2016 12 07 Framing, Sheeting ..

2016 12 07 Framing, Sheeting .. 

Above, looking northeast.  Large opening to left looks into entry area.  Pickup truck is framed by front door opening.  Below, looking southwest into guest bed/bath area.

Below, looking east along centerline of house.  This view won't be available when house is done.  There is wall separating guest and guest/office spaces to right, and the wide raised area that the cords run over will be a wall containing HVAC and electric.

Above, general view of deck, looking northeast.  Below, two shots looking along deck, first east, then west.

Entry to house.  Front door is in the inner partially framed wall.

2016 12 05 Framing ..

2016 12 05 Framing .. 

Framing and sheeting of the exterior continues...

Above is the guest bedroom, bath area looking southwest.  Next three shots are taken from on top of garage roof, under the overhang on the north side of the house.  I learned that those shallow framed structures being built on the roof are called "crickets".  They are there for drainage.

Below, looking east and into the guest bed/bath part of the house.  It was fun to be under those deep overhangs.  The metal roof will extend out from them even further.

Below, looking southwest into studio area from garage roof.  There will be a long line of high windows on this side of the house.  I'm looking in through those windows.

Below is a better view into the guest bed, bath area and the guest bedroom/office.

Below, just standing in the middle of the garage roof watching..

Saturday, December 3, 2016

2016 12 02 Framing, Garage ..

2016 12 02 Framing, Garage .. 

It's been about two months since I have been at the house.   A lot has changed, and the house looks very different.  It's interesting how the spaces seem to change size and shape as the house comes together.  They seem to get smaller, larger, smaller, and now larger again.  I think when the sheetrock is done the spaces will look again larger.

Above - house from northwest looking southeast.  Garage, shop, storage space is to the left of the shed, behind the porta pot.  The finished roof will extend out from what you see by about 15", maybe a little more.

Looking along the house from the west looking a little north of east.

Looking at the south face of the house from the southeast.  Most of this face of the house will be glass.

Looking southwest at the garage, shop, storage.

Inside the garage, shop, storage.  Two interior walls to be framed.

Looking southwest inside the studio area.  There will be a mezzanine along the north side of this space.

Looking northeast in the studio space. Mezzanine will be about at the level of the horizontal steel on the left, tow of windows up against the roof.

Looking along the length of the house.  There will be two partial walls jutting into the space where it narrows, one of the left, one from the right, so that long view won't be there when done.

Main living part of the house, looking mostly east.

Guest room, looking south.   If you look carefully you can see a sliver of Mt Rose above the green in the middle distance.

Main living space again.  Pantry is the "bump out" behind the scaffolding on the floor.

Bath, dressing, laundry, storage on east end of house.  This is the only part of the house with a second floor.  That will be all storage space.

Looking west out of bedroom.

Looking mostly east in bath, dressing, storage, across bedroom beyond wall.  Depression in floor will be shower area.