Monday, June 18, 2018

2018 06 18 Floor, HVAC, Stairs, Landscape ..

2018 06 18 Floor, HVAC, Stairs, Landscape .. 

The last of the floor gets the final coat of finish.  All of the prep work takes far more time than the actual application of the finish, which is very fast.  The first few photos show parts of the house where the floor is done, the next few show work in progress.  After this it will be socks or booties for everyone..

A few shots of finished floor:

Last coat of finish is basically poured on the floor and carefully pushed into place with tools with soft heads that look sort of like squeegees but aren't.

Just after the last coat of finish is done.  You can see it is wet.

Work on the risers and treads for the studio staircase begins .. 

The space between the gabion walls and the house is filled for planting.  All of this will be done with low (very low) maintenance natives.

Work continues charging the ground source heat pump system.  The first thing that happened at the site was drilling the wells that form the heat exchanger in system.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

2018 06 13 Paint, Floor, HVAC

2018 06 13 Paint, Floor, HVAC 

The final coat of paint; all the little blue tape flaws are disappearing.

All but the stair treads are done, so the floor is being prepared for the final finish.

And the ground source heat pump is being charged so the heating/cooling can be started up.

The east end of the house under the MBR deck.   We decided to put rusting steel here as well..  The space between the glass rail and the deck has yet to be flashed with the same steel.

Friday, June 8, 2018

2018 06 07 South Deck Rail, Water Heater

2018 06 07 South Deck Rail, Water Heater

South deck rail is installed, water heater work almost done.

2018 06 06 Glass Deck Rail, Mirrors, Water Heaters

2018 06 06 Glass Deck Rail, Mirrors, Water Heaters

Glass deck rails arrive, and east deck rail is installed.

Interior mirrors and bath glass are partially installed, work on water heaters in progress.

This is the center "rail" in a set of stairs in the studio mezzanine.  Same as deck glass.

The glass sits in a very sturdy aluminum shoe that has been carefully installed to be level and true.  Pairs of opposing wedges are inserted between the shoe and the glass and then pushed together with a tool that grabs the ends of the wedges and pushes them together.

The entire rail winds up being very solid.  In the last photo there are pairs of wedges in front of the tail, waiting to be installed.  This all goes quickly.

Water heater(s).

2018 06 01 Hawk, Floor, Shadow

2018 06 01 Hawk, Floor, Shadow

Hawks like to sit on the high rocks that overlook the road, watching for critters.

Mezzanine flooring, and one of the mid day interior shadows.

2018 05 31 Last of Floor, IT work

2018 05 31 Last of Floor, IT work

The east upstairs mezzanine floor is the last to be done.

IT work continues.

One of these racks will be "mine", the other is "theirs".

2018 05 30 Solar, Appliance, Magpie

2018 05 30 Solar, Appliance, Magpie

Solar array continues, "IT" closet work, appliance install continues, one of the local magpies..

Solar array is almost done.  Some permit work with NVE has to be signed off but we should be getting power by the end of the month.

"IT" stuff.  All the sound, ethernet, wifi, etc., etc., comes together here.


One of the local magpies dumpster diving.

2018 05 29 Solar, Appliances, Interior Doors

2018 05 29 Solar, Appliances, Interior Doors

Work on the solar array continues.  Appliance installation, and interior doors are back from the paint shop waiting to be installed.

Appliance boxes.  Kind of uninteresting, but they are here..

Some of the doors.