Tuesday, January 24, 2017

2017 01 18 Interior Framing ..

2017 01 18 Interior Framing .. 

Interior framing continues.  I don't think there is much interior framing left to do.  

Following four shots are mezzanine area above studio.

Below, looking west from east side of studio.

Below, exterior shot of studio area.

Below, looking into studio area from hall along guest room and guest/office room.

Below, looking east into main living area.  Pantry to left.

Below, main living area, looking southeast.

Below, looking into main living area from patio.

Below, looking into master bath, dressing, laundry area.

Below, main living area of house again, looking northwest.

Below, two shots of storage area on east end of house.  

Below, garage.

Below, shop.

Below, storage.

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