Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017 01 10 Interior Framing (studio, storage, entry)

2017 01 10 Interior Framing (studio, storage, entry)

Framing of studio, storage, entry area.  The storage area off the studio will have the same wood floor as the rest of the house.

Below, looking into storage from studio.   Small bath to left.

Below, storage area floor.

Below, entry area and front entrance to house.

Below, looking west into studio.  Guest bedroom and guest bedroom / office are to left.

Below, looking east along hallway in bath / dressing / laundry into bedroom and out the windows on east end of house.

Below, looking southeast from guest bath.

Below, looking northeast from master bath.

Below, looking southwest in hallway in master bath / dressing / laundry.

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