Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017 01 05 Interior Framing ..

2017 01 05 Interior Framing .. 

Interior framing continues.

The first three are of the storage area above the bath / dressing / laundry area on the west end of the house.  All three shots look more or less east.  This is one of the two areas in the house with a ceiling.  The opening framed into the floor in the first shot is where the stairs will be located.

Following shots are various places in the house.

First two below are looking west into studio end of house.  Large beam running on long axis of house from the left will hold the south side of the mezzanine area.

Below, looking east into house from studio.

Two photos below, looking east into house from studio.

Below, northwest corner of house.  Stairs up to mezzanine will be here.  Small bath is behind ladder.

Below, bath/dressing area on east end of house, looking east.

Below, looking up at ceiling under storage above bath / dressing / laundry area.  Opening for stairs is at right center.

Below, looking east past bath / dressing / laundry into bedroom and out the east windows.

Two photos below, bath / dressing / laundry with opening for stairs to storage.

Below, looking west into hallway out of bedroom.  The metal posts and beams are part of the "bridge" that connects the bedroom to the rest of the house. This is all enclosed and mostly glass.

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