Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 01 19 Interior Framing ..

2017 01 19 Interior Framing .. 

Some more progress photos as interior framing proceeds..

Below, a shot of the central living space in the house.   The weather for most of January has been very wet and windy.  Parts of the Sierra Nevada just west of here received 25 feet of snow through the month.

Below, looking into the guest/office at the two adjoining baths being framed.

Below, looking from the master bedroom past the bath / laundry into the central living space.

Below, two shots of the "gallery" area on the north side of the house, adjacent to the guest/office and guest room.  There are two walls that will project into this space, on the east and west.  Those walls will actually be "chase" spaces that will hold electric and HVAC.  They will also function to make this into more of a separate room.  First photo looks more or less west.

Below, looking east.

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