Wednesday, February 14, 2018

2018 02 13 Paint, Tile, Electric, Cleaning ..

2018 02 13 Paint, Tile, Electric, Cleaning .. 

Painting actually began a few weeks ago, and at this point almost essentially all of the house is primed, and some has finish paint.  Tile work in the baths continues, electrical work continues.  The house is extremely dusty from all the sheetrock and cedar ceiling work.  All of the glass is extremely dirty.  A crew will be in for the next few days to clean thouse from top to bottom.

Baths with tile:

Cleaner high up in one of the bridges cleaning ceiling and glass:

Beginning work on fireplace hearth:

Kitchen counter/island will butt against the fireplace where the electric cord is now.

Fireplace from the sitting area in northeast corner of living space.  

More bath tiling:

One of the bridges, showing dirty glass:

More dirty glass in center of house.  Front door to the right.

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