Saturday, December 5, 2015

2015 12 04 Digging and drilling ..

Another week of ground source heat pump drilling, now finished, and various excavation tasks.

The outline of the house is visible in the excavation, and the top foot or two of softer earth/rock has been removed.  

Here are a few photos of the drilling for the heat pump:

The black tubing goes into the hole and carries the water used to transfer heat.

They get it in the ground by attaching it to a long slender weight which is lowered into the hole.

Here’s the stuff in case any of you are really interested in the material .. 

This is the last one going into the ground.  You can see the long weight being held by one of the drillers.

Otherwise all that went on was more earth/rock screening, and then finally starting to dig to the actual foundation depth.

First pic is taken from about where I think the kitchen will be.  This ought to be the view looking through the main living space to the southeast.  (Small hut is builder’s.)

East end of house .. 

Lots of this, earth moving and screening .. I think the backhoe is siting more or less where my computer chair will be.

And they finally started to dig to foundation depth.  Soft rock, but hard enough to warrant the hammer.

Very clear day after storm goes through.  50-60 MPH winds the day before as the storm came in, but almost no rain.  A foot of very wet snow 30 miles west in Truckee.

The rest of December will likely be taken with excavation.  A lot of material will be moved.

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