Sunday, April 23, 2017

2017 03 03 Interior Framing, A Little Snow ..

2017 03 03 Interior Framing, A Little Snow ..

More of interior framing, and a little snow.

First shot is of the two pallets of solar panels, which showed up recently.  This is about the spot where they will be installed.  Choice was whether to put them on the roof or not, but I didn't want to alter the look of the metal roof, or have to go up there to service them.

Several shots of finished roof.  There will be an array of aluminum louvers in the gaps in the roof.  They go in after the windows are in, after the siding.

Deck on southern side of house, looking in to main living space.

Front door is the one with the water bottle.  The openings to the left will be glass panels.

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