Tuesday, August 7, 2018

2018 08 06 Drive Layout ..

2018 08 06 Drive Layout .. 

Drive layout is done.  I was not sure it would be possible to make the drive straight, but it is.  I'm standing outside the end of our drive in this photo.  Drive will have the same steel edging as the flagstone, and the landscape will be restored to the edges.  [Numbers still to be added to light fixture at right.]

Still very smoky.

2018 08 01 Flagstone Done ..

2018 08 01 Flagstone Done .. 

Flagstone is done, except the "grout" in between.

018 07 30 Flagstone, East Doors ..

018 07 30 Flagstone, East Doors .. 

In all of the following photos you can see the smoke filled sky and coppery light.  California is on fire.

The two pieces of steel are scribed into the pair of rocks.  There will be flagstone between them.  The steel is set in concrete and bolted to the house.  The landscaping will be filled in to the left and right.

Note the rusty handprints and smudges in the steel.  I asked the steel subcontractor to leave them there; I want to see them age and blend in.  Or not.

2018 07 27 Landscape, Entry, Steel, Solar ..

2018 07 27 Landscape, Entry, Steel, Solar .. 

Landscape planting continues.

Entry flagstone work continues.

Steel for east end utility entry arrives, placed.

Solar array goes active.  This was a long time coming.  There was a lot of turmoil in the NV residential solar market over the last 3 years.  Most of the residential solar installers went out of business within a few weeks of NVE changing the net metering rules.  A public outcry caused much of this to be undone, but it took a long time.  We got our net metering approved just before all this damage was done, but the process was still time consuming.  We have a 15kW system and I hope this meets our needs when averaged over a year.

Following photo: The right end of the steel is cut to fit against one of the landscaping rocks.

The clamps are all there as temporary handles.

2018 07 25 Landscape, Entry, Shades ..

2018 07 25 Landscape, Entry, Shades .. 

Planting continues, work on the entry flagstone continues.

Shades are installed!

Working on patterns for steel edging that will be scribed into the landscape rocks.  

2018 07 24 Landscape, Gate, Entry ..

2018 07 24 Landscape, Gate, Entry .. 

Landscape planting continues.

Gate operator.

Entry flagstone.

Cleaning up the cedar under the east deck.

2018 07 13 Big Day! Certificate of Occupancy!

2018 07 13 Big Day!  Certificate of Occupancy!

Certificate of Occupancy from Washoe County today!  This means that all the plumbing works, the kitchen works, all the safety aspects of the house are functional, heat is functional, fire sprinklers work, and many other small things.

We could legally move in today!

2018 07 13 Entry Walkway Border ..

2018 07 13 Entry Walkway Border .. 

Flagstone in entry goes between the steel edges.

2018 07 10 Landscape ..

2018 07 10 Landscape ..

Landscaping work continues.  A lot of planting.  The path around the house is clear now.

All of the landscaping will get "smoothed over" as the grasses come back.

Walkway under trellis is being prepared for the flagstone to come..

2018 07 09 Gate, Landscape, Steel, Clean ..

2018 07 09 Gate, Landscape, Steel, Clean .. 

Panels now on the entry gate.  The gate opener is set up.

Landscape work proceeds.

Steel facing on east end of house.

The entire house is cleaned.  The windows especially were extremely dusty, but there was sawdust everywhere.  It will be cleaned again at the very end of the process.

2018 07 02 Steel, Landscape ..

2018 07 02 Steel, Landscape .. 

Steel facing for decks and east end of house arrives, install begins.

Landscape work continues.