Tuesday, May 1, 2018

2018 04 30 Pool, Deck Pavers, Floor, Grading ..

2018 04 30 Pool, Deck Pavers, Floor, Grading ..

More work on the pool, south deck pavers.  Flooring continues.  Grading for concrete and drainage is done.

A load of flooring .. 

Counters, covered with blankets and plywood.  Will see them soon..

Concrete tiles in front of fireplace and through kitchen area.

East deck, finished, waiting for glass rail.

South deck, in progress.

Graded, waiting for concrete.

2018 04 27 Deck Pavers, Floor ..

2018 04 27 Deck Pavers, Floor .. 

More flooring, more deck pavers.

The deck pavers sit on small piers that are of varying heights to accommodate the slope of the concrete.  Concrete is sloped for drainage, finished deck is of course level.  Water drains between the pavers and off the deck.  Pavers are loose but they are heavy.

First two are east deck, which is done.

South deck, in progress.

Flooring, west end of house.  There are plywood spacers against the walls where aluminum louvers will be installed over heating vents.  Plywood will come out and aluminum will go in. 

2018 04 25 Floor, Grading, Deck Pavers ..

2018 04 25 Floor, Grading, Deck Pavers .. 

More flooring, more grading.  Work on deck pavers begins.

2018 04 24 Grading, Floor, Deck Rail ..

2018 04 24 Grading, Floor, Deck Rail .. 

More grading for drainage and preparation for concrete, more flooring progress, more progress on south deck rail.

This is the aluminum shoe that the glass deck rail sits in.  The opposing wedges that hold it in place are inside the shoe so they aren't seen.  I am looking forward to seeing how this is done.

2018 04 19 Counters. Fixtures, Floor ..

2018 04 19 Counters. Fixtures, Floor .. 

Concrete counters arrive.  More work on fixtures, and flooring continues.

2018 04 17 South Deck, Grading ..

2018 04 17 South Deck, Grading ..

More work on the south facing deck.  Grading in preparation for drive concrete and drainage.

2018 04 16 Drains, Deck Rail ..

2018 04 16 Drains, Deck Rail ..

More work on the perimeter drains, more work on the south deck rail.  The glass rail is held in place in the aluminum shoe [shown in previous photos of east deck, more to follow] by opposing wedges that push it out against the interior of the slot in the shoe.  

2018 04 13 Flooring ..

2018 04 13 Flooring .. 

More flooring.  [This is in a corner of the studio intended for flat files.]

2018 04 11 Flooring, drains ..

2018 04 11 Flooring, drains ..

Studio mezzanine floor.  It's not as dark as it looks in the photo.  The material is all rift white oak with a minimal clear finish.  The toe kicks for book cases are in place.

More work on the drains around the walls, house, drive.

2018 04 09 Pool, Flooring starts, Fixtures ..

2018 04 09 Pool, Flooring starts, Fixtures .. 

More pool work, flooring arrives and work starts, more fixture install.

First three photos are the first small pile of flooring, and work starting on layout.  There are sight lines that run most of the length of the house and they want the floor to align "perfectly" the entire length.  Lots of laser sighting gadgets and chalk string..

Pool work.