Sunday, May 28, 2017

2017 05 25 Glass Progress, Gabion Walls. Siding Prep ..

2017 05 25 Glass Progress, Gabion Walls. Siding Prep ..

At this point (almost) all of the glass is installed except the high pieces of glass on the south side of one of the bridges.  This will take a crane, which will be there sometime in not too long for a day of other roof related work.

I say almost because the high pieces on the west gable end of the house are being installed in this set of photos.

In the next few days the siding work will start, so all that black material will disappear, and the soffits will be closed in.  The wood that goes in the soffits will match the interior ceiling.

Those reflections .. 

Guest room..

Two shots from higher up the hill.  This might be on our neighbor's property, I am not sure.

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