Monday, May 9, 2016

2016 04 26 Gabion Cages Arrive, Rough Electric, Gabion Grading ..

2016 04 26 Gabion Cages Arrive, Rough Electric, Gabion Grading .. 

April 12.  The cages for the gabion walls arrive, pre-rusted, from Oregon .. these are for the walls that will surround the house, up to the floor level.  There will be other free standing gabion walls but they will not be built until late in the project, so they are not in the way.

April 13.  More rough electric work.  This is the northwest corner of the house where power comes in from Nevada Energy.  It is close to there the solar array will be located.

April 26.  More grading for the gabion walls around the perimeter.

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