Saturday, November 18, 2017

2017 11 17 Roof, Sheetrock Tape, Context ..

2017 11 17 Roof, Sheetrock Tape, Context .. 

The space where the roof meets the louvers was tricky because the corrugations "stop" in unpredictable ways next to the opening.  The roofer came up with a clever way of using the same material to seal those gaps against the weather.  

Sheetrock taping continues.

At the end are three shots taken in the county park just across the ravine to the south of the house.  Two shots looking back north at the house, a third looking west.  There is a creek to the left in the last shot, which is why there is so much high grass and all the trees.

Friday, November 17, 2017

2017 11 17 Sheetrock tape, cedar ceiling ..

2017 11 17 Sheetrock tape, cedar ceiling .. 

A lot of progress taping the sheetrock, more over the weekend.  Just the tape on the sheetrock changes the look and feel of the spaces again.

The carpenters are back at work installing the cedar ceiling.  The cedar aroma is everywhere.

No work on the louvers today.  A crane had been rented for the rest of the work, but the site was too muddy from the last 36 hours of rain.    That will resume next week.

Next to last photo shows rain accumulated in the shallow trench for a gabion wall to come.

Last photo is there because I really like the way the far horizon cuts through the house as a reflection.

The "mushroom" heaters are visible in a couple of the photos.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

2017 11 15 Louver install continues, sheetrock, electric ..

2017 11 15 Louver install continues, sheetrock, electric ..

Installation of roof louvers continues.

Sheetrock work continues.

Mail electric panels arrive and install begins.

There is a photo of the master bedroom showing some of the cedar ceiling in place.

And towards the end there are a few photos showing the corrugated and flat siding starting to oxidize.  Eventually the entire exterior will rust.  The roof will remain a dusty aluminum color.

2017 11 13 Louver install continues, sheetrock ..

2017 11 13 Louver install continues, sheetrock ..

Installation of the roof louvers continues.

Sheetrock work continues.

2017 11 09 Louver install continues ..

2017 11 09 Louver install continues ..

Installation of the roof louvers continues.

2017 11 06 Louvers install, drain work ..

2017 11 06 Louvers install, drain work ..

Installation begins on the roof louvers, drain work continues.

2017 11 04 Louvers arrive, drain work ..

2017 11 04 Louvers arrive, drain work .. 

The aluminum louvers arrive.  These go in the "gaps" in the roof.

Work continues on the drain field on the west side of the house.