Wednesday, September 20, 2017

2017 09 20 Window caulking, burying stuff, clouds ..

2017 09 20 Window caulking, burying stuff, clouds ..

Window caulking continues, a lot of interior carpentry continues (no photos, however), interior electrical continues (no photos), some electrical conduit and water pipe buried under what will be the drive, and some spectacular clouds today.   It was cool in Nevada and cooler in Truckee (CA), and rainy.  It will be in the high 20s overnight for the next few days in Truckee.

One of the things I love about this house is the play of the clouds and horizon off all the glass.  I did not expect that.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

2017 09 14 Window caulking, electrical, carpentry ..

2017 09 14 Window caulking, electrical, carpentry ..

There seem to be miles of wire in the house.  The yellow is all power, the blue is all low voltage lighting control.   The first two photos are a small part of what is in the walls.

Last two pictures are of drains and septic on the downhill side of the house.

2017 09 08 Window caulking, insulation, carpentry ..

2017 09 08 Window caulking, insulation, carpentry .. 

Windows are being caulked, interior insulation progress, interior carpentry progress..

Those 5 electrical boxes way up on the ceiling are for the pendants that will hang over the kitchen area island.  I wondered what they were..

2017 09 06 Carpentry, insulation ..

2017 09 06 Carpentry, insulation ..

More interior carpentry, insulation ..


2017 09 05 Insulation, tile, doors ..

2017 09 05 Insulation, tile, doors ..

The steel front door frame is in.  Insulation is being blown into the walls in most places since wiring is nearly complete.  Bathroom shower pans and surfaces for tile being installed.. Interior doors are being hung.