Thursday, September 29, 2016

2016 09 28 Roof Framing, Steel Work ..

2016 09 28 Roof Framing, Steel Work .. 

More roof framing and steel work.

A north wall detail.   It is a complicated structure.  The horizontal steel beam runs the entire perimeter of the house, and is called a "wind girt".  The house had to be designed for rigidity in high winds since there is so much glass.

2016 09 27 Roof Framing, Steel Work ..

2016 09 27 Roof Framing, Steel Work .. 

Roof framing continues, some steel work remains.

Adding the gable end on the east side.. 

2016 09 26 Roof Framing, Steel Work ..

2016 09 26 Roof Framing, Steel Work .. 

Roof framing continues, some steel work remains.

This above is the along north side of the house.  There will be a row of high windows along almost the entire north side of the house, between the two wood beams in the steel "buckets".  The columns will be exposed in the interior of the house, so will the roof beams.  The two lower horizontal beams that frame the windows the the steel beam below them will all be inside the wall.

2016 09 19 Rafter Progress ..

2016 09 19 Rafter Progress ..

More progress on roof .. 

2016 09 15 Rafter Progress ..

2016 09 15 Rafter Progress ..

Work progresses on the rafters .. 

2016 09 08 Rafter Progress ..

2016 09 08 Rafter Progress ..

Work progresses on the rafters .. 

2016 08 30 Rafter, Pool Progress ..

2016 08 30 Rafter, Pool Progress ..

More rafter framing progress, more progress on the small pool .. 

2016 08 26 Rafter, Pool Progress ..

2016 08 26 Rafter, Pool Progress .. 

Work progresses on the roof framing and the small pool ..