Saturday, December 1, 2018

2018 12 01 Snow ..

2018 12 01 Snow .. 

First snow of the season.  A very windy storm went through last night and this morning, leaving about an inch of snow in the sage.  Higher up to the west there is a lot more snow..

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

2018 08 12 House Clean and Empty, Before Movers ..

2018 08 13 House Clean and Empty, Before Movers .. 

On the 12th and 13th I had two days during which the house was empty [almost], but after it had been cleaned from top to bottom.   I photographed as much as I could during those two days.   

A few places in the house [studio mezzanine, TV mezzanine, guest] didn't get photographed, but I'll do that when we are fully moved in, the house is furnished, there is art on the walls, rugs on the floors.

I will also be photographing the house exterior at dusk sometime soon.

Studio space.  There is a mezzanine on the north side [photographs to follow soon].

Gallery space between studio and living spaces:

Main living space:

Hallway from living to baths, laundry, master bedroom:

Master Bedroom:

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

2018 08 06 Drive Layout ..

2018 08 06 Drive Layout .. 

Drive layout is done.  I was not sure it would be possible to make the drive straight, but it is.  I'm standing outside the end of our drive in this photo.  Drive will have the same steel edging as the flagstone, and the landscape will be restored to the edges.  [Numbers still to be added to light fixture at right.]

Still very smoky.